Join us on a journey to radiate vitality from the inside out. Transform your well-being with a holistic approach that empowers your mind and body. Uncover your inner strength, unlock lasting change, and rediscover vibrant health.


Discover powerful tools to overcome roadblocks and build healthy habits that stick.

Nura is your comprehensive approach to health. It's the missing puzzle piece that empowers you to finally break free from the struggle and achieve lasting change. We provide an easy to implement roadmap that combines cutting-edge brain-rewiring techniques with the power of whole-food nutrition, empowering you to unlock your full potential.

Learn powerful techniques to manage pain perception, stress, and negative thought patterns.

Rewire Your Brain

Unlock the power of food as medicine. Cultivate natural, healthy habits that empower your body to thrive.

Nourish Your Body

Develop Sustainable Routines

Integrate our brain-rewiring methods and whole-food practices seamlessly into your daily life.

Live a Life of Possibility

Break free from limitations and rediscover the vibrant life you deserve.

Don't settle for a constant struggle. We believe our challenges can be a catalyst for transformation. Invest in sustainable health and unlock the vibrant life you deserve.

Our Offerings

  • Embark on a personalized journey with our 1:1 programs. Tailored to your unique needs, these programs offer dedicated guidance, actionable insights, and transformative support for your holistic well-being.

  • Dive into our thoughtfully curated courses that blend scientific knowledge with holistic wisdom. Unlock the secrets to vibrant living through engaging lessons, practical exercises, and a supportive learning community.

  • Craft your personalized wellness journey with our À La Carte services. Choose from a menu of offerings, including individual sessions, resources, and support, allowing you to tailor your experience according to your unique needs.

  • Join our live and virtual interactive workshops designed to delve into the realms of holistic well-being. Engage in transformative discussions, learn practical tools, and connect with a community committed to vibrant living.

  • Escape to rejuvenating retreats that harmonize nature, wellness, and self-discovery. Immerse yourself in transformative experiences, nourishing practices, and the serenity of holistic living.


As engineers by trade, we bring a unique blend of scientific precision to our holistic approach. Alexis, armed with a masters in biomedical engineering and a bachelor's in neuropsychology, ventured into the world of medical devices. There, she witnessed the tangible impact of mindset shifts on brainwaves, solidifying her dedication to the profound connection between the brain and overall health.

Meanwhile, Mike cultivated his passion for plants and cooking, evolving into a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. His deep dive into whole health and ancestral nutrition perfectly complements Alexis' expertise, creating a unique synergy of brain science and nourishing traditions.

Join us at Nura, where our union of science, nature, and community forms the foundation for your transformative journey to holistic well-being.